

As the beginning of the end of muscle cars approaches with an electrified future on the horizon, we yearn more than ever for the preservation of the V8 engine. More specifically, the 6.2L Hellcat Supercharged HEMI V8. Dodge has given the Hellcat era a ceremonial closeout with the Last Call & Jailbreak editions of the coveted Challenger and Charger Hellcat muscle cars. This 2023 Dodge Challenger Hellcat Widebody is both a Last Call & a Jailbreak, meaning it is a final edition of a custom from the factory 717 horsepower beast. The Last Call underhood plaque and Jailbreak interior badges signify its exclusivity.

The Jailbreak boasts custom factory options like yellow Brembo brakes and a red demonic leather interior, but we added even more customization, firstly an Anderson Composites carbon fiber hood for more weight reduction. We slapped on a Corsa forged carbon fibre air intake, and a MagnaFlow XMOD cat-back exhaust, which was custom built for this car. We also opted for a new wheel setup, specifically American Racing AR942 Gunmetal Wheels (front: 20x11 -6, rear: 20x12 +6) wrapped with Pirelli P ZERO 305/35ZR20 all season performance tires. If the car looks lowered that's because it is; we also installed a set of Eibach lowering springs to give this Challenger an even sleeker stance.

The 2023 Dodge Challenger Hellcat Widebody Last Call Jailbreak also boasts all the features you would expect to find inside and outside a Hellcat, which we've outlined below. It seems crazy, but this is a street and CARB legal 717HP muscle car that you could win.

Check out the full spec sheet and photo gallery below:

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